Friday, October 14, 2011

Crawling and Potty Training

Lots of exciting stuff going on our house:

Mack is

PACI FREE and has been for about two weeks now, he threw his paci out the window driving home from Mississippi on I-85 and we said a little baby bird would pick it up. He still cries for it when he gets hurt or is cranky, but we have not given in and he sleeps without it too. I thought we would never get rid of that thing! Whenever he sees a bird, he says, "does he have my paci?"

SEMI-POTTY TRAINED, he has worn "big boy undiewears" everyday to school the past week and half or so. He has had a few accidents but overall is doing great. He tells us when he has to go and even gets out of bed to go some at night. We are still working on not wanting to sit on the potty (if you know what I mean), but hearing lots of " I pee pee in the potty" at our house.

Henley is

ALMOST CRAWLING, she gets on all fours and mostly just scoots backwards. She is not actually crawling yet, but can scoot all around a room and get or reach what she has her eye on. This little girl loves to get into things, I am going to chasing her everywhere pretty soon.

LOVING FOOD/HATING BOTTLES, as I have said before, this girl loves to eat. She loves feeding herself, she doesn't even want me to feed her babyfood anymore, she wants things she can pick up with her hands and she shovels in it. She really dislikes bottles and is too busy to sit still and take one, I have to fight her to get the formula in.

Here are some pics from the past few weeks. We went to the Denver Downs Farm and Pumpkin Patch last weekend.

I love this picture of Henley and her cousin Aubrey, two sweet girls


  1. They are adorable! Isn't it fun having two? Never dull;)

  2. I love the pics! I love that a little bird has Mack's paci! Can't wait to see them again!
